Beyond Mapping IV

Topic 3 – Extending Terrain Analysis Procedures



GIS Modeling book



Segmenting Our World — discusses techniques for segmenting linear routes based on terrain inflection

The Long and Short of Slope — investigates longitudinal and transverse slope calculation 

Identifying Upland Ridges — describes a procedure for locating extended upland ridges

Generating Mountains and Molehills from Field Sampled Data — creating an elevation surface from field sampled data 

Altering Our Spatial Perspective through Dynamic Windows — discusses the three types of roving windows— fixed, weighted and dynamic

Further Reading — one additional section


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Segmenting Our World

(GeoWorld, June 2007)  

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Dividing geographic space into meaningful groupings is the basis of all mapping.  This holds for abstract maps like customer propensity clusters for purchasing a product or animal habitat suitability, as well as more traditional mapping applications such as vegetation maps, ownership parcels, highways and pipeline routes.  Further divisions of the patterns in a base map often involve segmentation.


For example, a pipeline is frequently divided into “stationing coordinates” that partitions a serpentine route into uniform linear distances along a pipeline (Uniform segmentation).  Alternatively, the route can be segmented by identifying a point at each major change in direction as shown in the top right portion of figure 1.  The result divides the route into a set of variable length segments responding to planimetric orientation of straight line sections (Deflection Angle segmentation).


A more complex form of segmentation is often referred to as “dynamic segmentation.”  This approach uses changes in conditions on other map layers to subdivide a route.  The Conditions-based segmentation procedure first derives a “universal conditions” map by overlaying a set of map layers to establish individual coincident polygons containing the same combination of conditions throughout their interiors (left side of figure 1).  A route is intersected with the universal conditions map and “broken” into a series of line segments at the entry and exit of each universal condition polygon. 





Figure 1.  Basic approaches used in route segmentation.


The result is a series of variable length line segments with uniform conditions throughout their length.  The line segment set is written to a table containing x, y and z coordinates followed by fields identifying the combination of conditions along each segment.  In addition, the table can report “crossing counts” that note the number of intersections of the derived line segments and other linear features, such as river and road crossings.


Another advanced form of segmentation involves breaking a route into segments considering elevation changes along a terrain surface as shown in the bottom right portion of figure 1. Terrain-based segmentation divides the route into segments representing similar terrain configuration as determined by major inflection points and slope conditions. 


The first step is to establish the elevation profile of the route by “masking” the terrain surface with the route.  To eliminate subtle changes, the elevation values are smoothed to characterize the overall trend of the terrain.  This is done by passing a moving-average window along the elevation profile resulting in a smoothed profile. 


The width of the smoothing window is critical because if it is too large the smoothing will eliminate potentially important inflection points; if it is too small there will be a multitude of insignificant segment breaks.  The dilemma is similar to choosing an appropriate angular change factor in Deflection-angle segmentation and is as much art as it is science.  Experience for liquid pipelines suggests an 11 to 15-cell diameter window on a 10 meter digital elevation model (DEM) works fairly well.




Figure 2. Analyzing the slope differences along a proposed route.


Figure 2 illustrates the final step in the procedure.  The tool evaluates the smoothed elevation values by subtracting the current value from the previous location’s value as the solution progresses left-to-right along the smoothed profile.  If the sign is the same, a continuous “running slope” is indicated.  A negative difference indicates an upward incline; a negative difference indicates a downward descent; zero difference indicates no change (flat portion).  A location where the sign of the difference changes (negative to positive; positive to negative) identifies an inflection point.  The coordinates and elevation value for the location that changed sign is written to a Segments Table.


For example, the calculations in the upper left portion of figure 2 show a continued upward incline until the elevation point of 124 is encountered.  At this location the sign of the difference changes indicating the start of a downward descent (from a negative to a positive difference).


A refinement to the approach avoids storing and processing the entire elevation profile of actual values by calculating and comparing the moving average values (smoothed elevation) on-the-fly.  This approach is much more efficient and greatly improves performance.  In this application a 1x15 cell window is used to smooth the actual elevation profile and store the information in a temporary table with just two records—previous and current average. 


The difference is calculated and tested for a change in sign; if different, the coordinates and elevation value for the current location is written to the Segments Table.  The window is advanced and the old previous average is replaced and a new smoothed value for the current location is considered.  The sequence of steps of 1) replace, 2) calculate, 3) compare and 4) write if sign change is repeated until the entire profile of a route has been evaluated.


The result is a set of map segments with consistent terrain configuration.  Summarizing the average slope along the segmented file provides important information for assessing the hydraulics along a pipeline and pump-station positioning and design required for anticipated product flows …a big step beyond simply mapping a pipeline route.  



The Long and Short of Slope

(GeoWorld, July 2007) 

(return to top of Topic)


Recall from the past sections dealing with slope calculation that the nine elevation values in a 3x3 window are generally used.   There are two basic approaches for characterizing relative steepness—surface fitting and individual slope statistics. 


Surface fitting aligns a plane to the elevation values that minimizes the deviations from the plane to the values.  If all of the values are the same, a horizontal plane is fitted and the slope is zero.  However as the values on one side of the window increase and the values on the other decrease, the fitted plane tilts indicating increasing terrain steepness. 


The surface fitting algorithm first establishes the 3x3 window, then identifies the nine elevation values, fits the plane and records the slope for the center cell in the window.  The “roving window” shifts to the next adjacent location and repeats the process until all of the cells in a project area have been evaluated. 


The algorithm for summarizing individual slopes also utilizes a 3x3 window, but instead of fitting a plane it calculates the slopes formed by the center location and each of  its eight neighbors.  The minimum, maximum or average of the individual slope values is recorded for the center cell and the window advanced. 


Both slope techniques result in a continuous map surface indicating the relative steepness throughout a project area.  Sometimes, however, slope along a linear feature, such as a pipeline, is sought (figure 1). In this case, only three cells are involved—the center cell and its input and output neighbors at each location along the pipeline. 




Figure 1.  Longitudinal slope calculates the steepness along a linear feature, such as a pipeline.


Longitudinal Slope (LS) requires isolating just the route’s elevation values.  In grid-based modeling this means first creating a “masking map” of the route where the cells defining the pipeline are assigned the value 1 and the non-pipeline cells are assigned a special value of Null (or No Data).  This map is multiplied by the elevation surface having the effect of retaining the elevation values along the route but all other locations are assigned Null.


Most map analysis packages have been “trained” to recognize a Null value and simply skip over these locations when processing.  The effect in this case is to calculate slope using just the three aligned elevation values in the 3x3 roving window—either fitted or maximum/minimum/average. 


A simple extension to the algorithm, Directional Slope (DS), enables a user to enter a starting location and the direction of flow, and then it calculates individual slopes for each step along the route using just the input and center cell.  This technique characterizes where gravity is helping or hindering flow and is useful in determining draw-down if the pipe is ruptured.        




Figure 2.  Modified transverse slope is calculated as the average of off-route slopes surrounding a location.


A more radical extension considers the off-route cells in calculating Transverse Slope (TS).  Traditionally, transverse slope was manually calculated by estimating the slope of a line perpendicular to the route.  For example in the upper portion of figure 2, the slopes from the center cell (5) to the NE (5-3) and SW (5-7) cells identify the longitudinal slope along the route while the slopes to the NW (5-11) and SE (5-9) cells indicate the transverse slope. 


The perpendicular approach works for any orthogonal and diagonal transect of the window.  The elevation grid, however, can take an oblique bend involving diagonal and orthogonal directions as shown and there isn’t a true perpendicular.  In this instance, GIS-derived transverse slope requires a new definition.


Modified Transverse Slope (MTS) calculates slope for the off-route cells, regardless of the linear shape.   In the lower-left portion of figure 2 all of green cells (1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9) are considered in calculating terrain steepness surrounding the pipeline.  Ideally, routes with fairly gentle modified transverse slopes are preferred as subsidence risks are lower.


These fairly innocuous extensions for calculating slope point to a bigger issue in map analysis—mainly that our grid-based analytical toolbox and GIS modeling expressions are a long way from complete.  Most of the development occurred in the 1970s and 80s and coding of new capabilities in flagship systems have languished.  As a result, solution providers are encoding specialized tools for their clients and running them outside the GIS or hooking them in as objects or add-ins. 


What I find interesting is that this is where GIS was in the 1970s and early 80s—a collection of disparate proprietary systems.  With all that you hear about data standards, open systems and GIS community access it’s peculiar that map analysis seems to be moving in the opposite direction. 



Identifying Upland Ridges

(GeoWorld, May 2009) 

(return to top of Topic)


The good news is that there is a tsunami of mapped data out there; the bad news is that there is a tsunami of mapped data out there.  Rarely is it as simple as downloading and displaying the ideal map for decision-making.  More often than not the base data that is available is just that—a base for further exploration and translation into meaningful information for solutions well-beyond a basic wall decoration.


Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are no exception.  While there is an ever increasing wealth of elevation data at ever increasing detail, most applications require a translation of the ups and downs into decision contexts.  For example, suppose you are interested in identifying upland ridges in mountainous terrain for wildfire considerations, wind power location or animal corridors.  Downloading and displaying a set of DEMs provides a qualitative glimpse at the topography but most human interpretation becomes overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the possibilities and the inability to apply a consistent definition. 


A topographic ridge can be defined as a long narrow upper section or raised crest of elevation formed by the juncture of two sloping planes.  While the definition of a ridge is straightforward, its practical expression is a bit murkier.  Figure 1 outlines a commonly used grid-based map analysis procedure for identifying ridges.  The first step involves “smoothing” the surface to eliminate subtle and often artificial elevation changes.  This is accomplished by moving a small “roving window” over the surface that averages the localized elevation values in the vicinity of each map location (1 Scan).  




Figure 1.  Accumulated surface flow is used to identify candidate ridges.

(MapCalcTM software commands are indicated to illustrate processing options)


The next step simulates water falling across the entire project area and moving downhill by the steepest path (2 Drain).  The computer keeps track of how many uphill locations contribute water to each grid location to generate the flow accumulation map draped over the smoothed elevation surface shown in the upper-left portion of the figure.  Note that lower values (grey tones) indicate locations with minimal uphill contributors and align with the elevation crests. 


The third step reclassifies the flow map to isolate the locations containing just one runoff path—candidate ridges (3 Renumber).  However note the cluttered pattern of the map in the upper-right that confuses a consistent and practical definition of a ridge.  The final step in the figure uses another roving window operation to assign the majority value in the vicinity of each map location thereby eliminating the “salt and pepper” pattern of the raw ridges (4 Scan).  If most of the values in the window are 0 (not a potential ridge) then the location is assigned 0.  However if there is a majority of potential ridges in the window then a 1 is assigned.  The draped display in the lower-left confirms the alignment of the derived ridges with the terrain surface.




Figure 2.  Low ridges are identified and eliminated.


Figure 2 continues the processing to identify just the upland ridges.  Contiguous ridge locations are individually identified (5 Clump) and then the average elevation for each ridge grouping is determined (6 Composite).  Note the low average elevation of the three small ridges in the center portion of the project area.  The final step in the figure (7 Renumber) eliminates candidate ridges that are below the average elevation of the project area thereby leaving only the high ridge locations (black).   




Figure 3.  The ridges are extended into surrounding gently sloped areas to identify effective upland ridges.


Figure 3 illustrates the processing steps for expanding the ridges as a function of terrain steepness.  A slope map is generated (8 Slope) and calibrated to isolate areas of gentle slopes of 0 to 5 percent (9 Renumber).  In turn, these areas are processed to eliminate the “salt and pepper” pattern (10 Scan) leaving relatively large expanses of gentle slopes.  


The lower-right map identifies the upland ridges (black) superimposed on the gently sloped areas (red).  An effective distance operation (11 Spread) is used to extend the ridges considering the non-gently sloped locations (grey) as absolute barriers.  The warmer tones in the proximity map draped on the elevation surface indicate increasing distance from a ridge into the surrounding relatively flat areas.  Depending on the application the upland ridge expansion could be reclassified from the full extent to just the immediate surrounding areas (green).


The simple model may be extended to characterize conditions within the derived ridges.  For example, an aspect map can be combined with the extended ridges to indicate their overall terrain orientation or precise azimuth each grid location defining the upland ridges to consider for prevailing wind direction or solar exposure.  Another extension could generate an overland travel-time or a road construction surface to consider relative access potential of the ridges. 


The bottom line is that it takes a bit of spatial reasoning to translate base maps into decision contexts …it’s the analytic nature of GIS that moves it beyond mapping.



Generating Mountains and Molehills from Field Sampled Data

(GeoWorld, August 2013) 

(return to top of Topic)


Geotechnology has revolutionized the dogma, development and dissemination of spatial information—duh.  Today’s youth is growing up in an increasingly cyber-based society with instantaneous connection to the world about them, and like Peter Pan they can be whisked-away by Google Earth to distant lands in the blink of an eye. 


But what if they are interested in detail beyond the maximum level of the zoom slider bar?  Or they want to simulate localized surface flow paths, convergence and path density?  Or identify subtle hummocks and depressions?  Or model subsurface moisture regimes? Or relate any of these characteristics to the spatial relationships with vegetative patterns?   


That’s the dilemma of many aspiring scientists who want to go beyond simply visualizing a landscape to investigating system interactions that are spatially driven.  But their data analysis quiver is primarily full of non-spatial analytic tools that rely on assessing and comparing the central tendencies of field collected data without consideration of the spatial distributions inherent in the data.  


Two major obstacles stand in their way— appropriate spatial data and spatially aware analysis tools.  Most readily downloadable data is too course for detailed scientific study, and even if it were available, most potential users are unacquainted with the quantitative analysis procedures involved.


Let’s consider the data limitation hurdle first and then see how its practical solution can spark spatial reasoning among non-GIS’ers.  Suppose a budding grad student wants to develop a micro-terrain surface for a project area.  Unless there is a Lidar over flight or total station survey of the area available, they will need to construct a detailed elevation surface from scratch.


First impulse is to use an inexpensive GPS unit (or Google’s GPS Surveyor app for Smartphones) to capture XYZ measurements throughout a project area.  But alas, it is soon discovered that precision of the coordinates is insufficient for detailed mapping.  The vertical precision in a GPS unit is characteristically less than half of that of the horizontal precision which in itself is plus or minus several meters—hardly the precision required for surface modeling. 


Another possibility is to acquire sophisticated surveying equipment (transit, theodolite, laser rangefinder or GPS total station), but their costs are far too high both in terms of a tight budget and a demanding learning curve.  A Dumpy level, tripod, graduated staff and a couple of meter tapes form a far more practical option (they are likely buried in an old storeroom on campus).        




Figure 1. A Dumpy level establishes a horizontal plane to measure the relative elevation differences throughout a project area.


Dumpy levels work by precisely measuring vertical distances in a horizontal plane about a base location (figure 1).  A bubble level is used to establish a horizontal plane in each quarter-circle to make sure it is level throughout the entire 360 degree swing of the instrument.  An operator looks through the eyepiece of the telescope, while an assistant slowly rocks a graduated staff at a sample location and the maximum reading on the staff is recorded.  Subtracting the Staff Reading from the Base Height determines the relative elevation of any measured point to a fraction of centimeter.


To establish real-world positioning, an inexpensive GPS unit can be used.  The average of several readings taken throughout the day provides a “reasonable estimate” of the Base Location’s earth position (top-right portion of figure 2).  




Figure 2. The XYZ coordinates of sample points are easily derived from field data.


Before the staff is moved to another location, the distance along a center line is measured (EW as the X axis in the example) and the perpendicular deflection to the point is measured (NS as the Y axis).  The result is a record of relative horizontal location and elevation difference that is easily evaluated for XYZ coordinates within a working coordinate system (bottom-right portion of figure 2) or relative to the base station’s Lat/Lon real-world coordinates. 


The final step involves surface modeling software to complete the 3-dimentional surface by “spatially interpolating” the elevation values for all of the grid cells within the project area.   Figure 3 shows the result using the powerful yet inexpensive Surfer software package (by Golden Software).  The derived terrain surface can be exported to ArcGIS, MapCalc or other map analysis package, as well as to Google Earth as contour lines or a color-shaded raster image.  





Figure 3. A detailed elevation surface is generated using inexpensive surface modeling software.


I have presented this 3-hour workshop in various forms to numerous GIS and non-GIS students and professionals since the 1980s.  The practical fieldwork coupled with easy-to-use software encourages dialog about the inherent spatial nature ingrained in most field collected data. 


Discussion quickly extends to data other than elevation—the “Z values” could easily be relative concentrations of an environmental variable; or disease occurrences in an epidemiological study; or relative biomass or stem density measurements of a plant species; or crime incidences for mapping pockets of crime in a city; or point of sales values for a particular product; or questionnaire response levels in a social survey; etc. 


The peaks and valleys in any map surface characterize the spatial distribution of that mapped variable— identifying where the relative highs and lows occur in geographic space.  And since a map surface is a spatially organized set of numbers, mathematical and statistical analysis tools can be applied. 


The bottom line is that many (most?) field-based mapped data contain useful information about the spatial distribution/pattern inherent in the data.  While the ability to surface map this characteristic is well-known within the GIS community, it is less familiar and woefully underutilized in the applied sciences.  A simple experience in surface mapping terrain elevation can be useful in crossing this conceptual chasm and often serves as a Rosetta stone in stimulating cross-discipline discussion and recognition of “maps as data” awaiting quantitative analysis— as opposed to traditional “graphic images” for human viewing and interpretation.



Altering Our Spatial Perspective through Dynamic Windows

(GeoWorld, August 2012) 

(return to top of Topic)


The use of “roving windows” to summarize terrain configuration is well established.  The position and relative magnitude of surrounding values at a location on an elevation surface have long been used to calculate localized terrain steepness/slope and orientation/aspect.


A search radius and geometric shape of the window are specified, then surface values within the window are retrieved, a summary technique applied (e.g., slope, aspect, average, coefficient of variation, etc.) and the resulting summary value assigned to the center cell.  The roving window is systematically moved throughout the surface to create a map of the desired surface summary.




Figure 1. Fixed windows form circles in planimetric space but become warped when fitted to a three-dimensional surface.


The top portion of figure 1 illustrates the planimetric configuration of three locations of a circular fixed window with a radius of ten grid spaces.  When superimposed onto the surface, the shape is warped to conform to the relative elevation values occurring within the window.  Note that the first location is moderately sloped toward the south; second location is steeply sloped toward the west; and the third location is fairly flat with no discernible orientation. 


What you eye detects is easily summarized by mathematical algorithms with the resultant values for all of the surface locations creating continuous maps of landform character, such as surface roughness, tilted area and convexity/concavity, as well as slope and aspect.


A weighted window is a variant on the simple fixed window that involves preferential weighting of nearby data values.  For example, inverse distance weighted interpolation uses a fixed shape/size of a roving window to identify data samples that are weight-averaged to favor nearer sample values more than distant ones.  Or a user-specified weighting kernel can be specified as a decay function or any other weighting preference, such as assigning more importance to easterly conditions to account for strong and dry Santa Ana winds when modeling wildfire threat in southern California.  It is common sense that these easterly conditions are more influential than just a simple or distance-weighted average in all directions.


Dynamic windows use the same basic processing flow but do not use a fixed reach or consistent geometric shape in defining a roving window.  Rather, the size and shape is dependent on the conditions at each map location and varies as the window is moved over a map surface.  




Figure 2. Uphill, downhill and across portions of a roving window can be determined by considering the relative values on a three-dimensional surface.


For example, figure 2 depicts a roving window based on uphill, downhill and across slope movements from the center location.  Lots of spatial processes respond differently to these basic landform conditions.  For example, uphill conditions can contribute surface runoff to the center cell, downhill locations can receive flows from the center cell and sediment movement at the across slope locations is independent of the center cell. Wildfire movement, on the other hand, is most rapid uphill, particularly in steep terrain, due to preheating of forest fuels.  Hence, downhill conditions are more important in modeling threat at a location than either the across or uphill surrounding conditions.     


Another dynamic consideration is effective distance.  For example, a window’s geographic reach and direction can be a function of intervening conditions, such as the relative habitat preference when considering the surroundings in a wildlife model.  The window will expand and contract depending on neighboring conditions forming an ameba-like shape to identify data values to be summarized—the pseudopods change shape and extent at each instantaneous location.  The result is a localized summary of data, such as proximity to human activity within preferential reach of each grid location to characterize animal/human interaction potential. 


Or a combination of window considerations can be applied, such as (1) preferential weighting of the fuel loadings (2) along downhill locations (3) as a function of slope with steep areas reaching farther away than gently sloped areas.  In a wildfire risk model, the resultant “roving window” summary would favor the fuel conditions within the elongated pseudopods of the steeply sloped downhill locations.  




Figure 3. A line-of-sight window identifies locations that are seen and not seen from the window’s focus.


A third type of dynamic consideration involves line-of-sight connectivity where the “viewshed” of a location within a specified distance is used to define a roving window (see figure 3).  In a military situation, this type of window might be useful in summarizing the likelihood of enemy activity that is visually connected to each map location.  Areas with high visual exposure levels being poor places to setup camp, but ideal places for establishing forward observer outposts.


A less war-like application of line-of-sight windows involves terrain analysis.  Areas not seen are “over the hill” in a macro-sense for ridge lines and “in a slight depression” in a micro-sense for potholes.  If all locations are seen then there is minimal macro or micro terrain variations. 


The rub is that most of the user community and much of the vector-based GIS’ers are unaware of even fixed roving windows, much less weighted and dynamic windows.  However, the utility of these advanced procedures in conceptualizing geographic space within context of its surroundings is revolutionary.  The view through a dynamic window is as useful as it is initially mind-boggling …see you on the other side.  



Further Online Reading: (Chronological listing posted at


Shedding Light on Terrain Analysis  discusses how terrain orientation is used to generate Hillshade maps (May 2008)


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