Exercise #2 — Maps As Data (MapCalc)

GIS Modeling, GEOG 3110, University of Denver


Team Members: _____Shelby, Paul and Katie_____      

Date: _____01/21/10______


49.5/50= 99%, A+ …awesome job.  Throughout you report the discussion is thorough, clear and concise (right on the mark) and the presentation is consistent and well-organized.  Use of enumeration and underline makes the report very easy to follow—thank you. 



Part 1.  Understanding Basic Concepts and Terms


Question 1.  Based on the lecture and readings briefly define and discuss the following concepts surrounding “the level of detail” in mapped data—


Map ScaleMap scale refers to the ratio between map distance and ground distance.  This is a concept carried over from paper maps, but in practice, scale is not a useful measure of map detail in the world of digitized maps.  Scale in a GIS is constantly changing as a user zooms in and out on the data. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought

Resolution is a more appropriate way to express map detail.  Information in maps can be defined by the four types of resolution discussed below.

…very good use of highlighting the important point(s)—makes your report easy to review


Spatial Resolution Spatial resolution refers to the smallest addressable unit of space.  Spatial resolution is limited by the resolution of the software and/or the format used to store and to analyze the data. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, a vector representation of a river containing 50 points to define a line segment has a higher spatial resolution than a representation containing only 25 points.  Satellite imagery with 3 meter resolution (meaning that each pixel “on the ground” is 3 meters by 3 meters) has a higher spatial resolution than imagery with a resolution of 30 meters.


Thematic Resolution Thematic resolution refers to the number of classification groupings for a map theme or dataset.  A higher thematic resolution would classify or display more categories (i.e. population subdivided into categories by ethnicity, income level, and age).  A lower thematic resolution would classify or display fewer categories (i.e. population subdivided into categories only by age).


Minimum Mapping ResolutionThe minimum mapping resolution refers to the smallest physical grouping of map themes.  This means that certain maps will include or exclude physical features based on a user-defined resolution. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, a map of housing communities must define the number of houses that constitutes a community.  If a community is defined as two houses in a square mile section, the resolution will be finer than if the community were defined as 5 homes in a square mile section. 


Temporal Resolution Temporal resolution refers to the time lapse between data acquisitions. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, when observing changes in tree canopy or tracking the effects of a natural disaster it is necessary to observe changes in the phenomena over time.  Tree canopy studies may require only seasonal or annual observations, while monitoring a natural disaster may need hourly or daily data acquisitions.  In this scenario, the temporal resolution for the natural disaster study is finer than the temporal resolution of the tree canopy study. 


Comment on how mismatched scale/resolution in a set of maps can affect GIS analysis and modeling.

When using different datasets to perform GIS analysis or create a map, the mapping resolution of each map must be known and the resulting map’s resolution can only be as fine detailed as that of the map with the coarsest resolution.

…for example, “mixing spatial resolutions” is particularly troublesome when analyzing coincidence among map layers   

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, if a dataset with a 10m resolution is overlaid on a 30m resolution dataset, the 10m data will need to be reclassified to the 30m resolution.  Differing map resolutions introduces uncertainty into the analysis …yes, well stated.  Statements of uncertainty must be included with all conclusions regarding resolutions less than the coarsest resolution.



Question 2.  Based on the lecture and readings briefly define and discuss the following map data types.  Be sure your definitions include discussion of which terms refer to the numeric distribution and which refer to the geographic distribution of mapped data. 


Numeric Distribution …good to organize as two groups—helps the reader “see” your organization


Nominal Nominal numbers are qualitative, categorical values.  In a given dataset or group of numbers, they do not relate to each other (i.e. they are independent). 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, nominal numbers may be used to identify highways in a county or water districts in a region.  They cannot be used for mathematical or statistical analysis.


Ordinal Ordinal data is a numerical distribution and defines numbered categories that are ordered or ranked, but not with a constant step. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, the categories 1=good, 2=better, and 3=best represent values where 2 is better than 1, but is not twice as good.  Limited math and statistic functions can be performed with this type of data. 


Interval Interval data is like ordinal data but applies a constant step.  Within interval data, none of the values represent “nothing”. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, a temperature of 0° Fahrenheit does not mean there is no temperature.  The constant step means that the width of each interval is the same and relationships between intervals are defined.  For example, along the interval of hours in a day, 6 hours is twice as long as 3 hours.


Ratio Ratio data is ordered numbers tied to an absolute reference. 

insert a blank line for a new paragraph as change in thought—don’t be afraid of a one sentence paragraph in a report

For example, a ‘loss ratio’ in a risk assessment would be [value damage estimate/total value].  This way, it is understood how much of the total value is damaged by the risk (i.e. flood).  A ratio creates an ‘apples to apples’ comparison.  Ratio data can be mapped thematically, and used for mathematical and statistical calculations.


Binary Binary data is a special case within the numerical distribution.  This data type is characterized by presence/absence data often expressed as 1 (present) or 0 (absent) …only two states.  This simple data structure works well for many types of map information and can be mathematically manipulated to produce useful combinations of maps for planning purposes.


Geographic Distribution

…blank line needed

Choropleth Choropleth data refers to data grouped into enumeration units with geographic orientation.  The data is assembled into distinct classes specified by the client, researcher, or expert opinion.  Choropleth data is most effective when applied to phenomena with discrete boundaries such as states or census blocks.  Often a color ramp is used to show the graduation of value ranges for each class.


Isopleth Isopleth data refers to a continuous distribution of data across a geographic space. …forms a predictable gradient.  For example, temperature data across a state or elevation data for a county are isopleth datasets, and can be presented using a lattice display form.

…excellent discussion (clear and concise) and very well presented (consistent and organized)




Access the MapCalc system using the Tutor25.rgs database.


Screen grab and insert below a 3-D lattice display of the Slope map.  (don’t forget to include a Figure Number, a Caption and to Reference/discuss the figure in the text of your answer)



Figure 1-1. Map of Slope.  Data is displayed in the 3-D Lattice view.

…good to include figure number, title and caption


What is the Data Type of the Slope map? ...what is its Display Type?…what is its Display Form?  The data type of the Slope map is continuous, the display type is lattice, and the display form is 3D (Figure 1-1).


What is the interpretation of a terrain steepness of 0%?  The terrain is perfectly flat. That is, the rise of the terrain over the run equals zero (i.e. it is a straight line).  …all of the surrounding elevation values are the same


Is a location with a 20% slope twice as steep as a location with 10% slope?  No.  Although 20% slope is twice 10% slope, the steepness intervals are not a constant step with the percentage intervals.  For illustration, 10% slope is a 5.7 degree slope but 20% slope is an 11 degree slope, which is not twice as steep.  Steepness is expressed as the tangent of the rise over run and slope is calculated as a relative percentage of that steepness.

…excellent discussion


Why are there no negative slope values?  No negative values exist because a slope calculation is made with absolute values for rise and run, thus eliminating any chance for negative slope values …except if direction is specified—uphill, downhill or across.  Effectively all slopes are calculated as if they were located in the upper right quadrant of Cartesian space. 


Screen grab and insert below a 2-D grid display of the Districts map.   (don’t forget to include a Figure Number, a Caption and to Reference/discuss the figure in the text of your answer)


Figure 1-2. Map of Districts.  Data is displayed in grid form with discrete values representing the spatial location of seven districts.


What is the Data Type of the Districts map? ...what is its Display Type?…what is its Display Form?The data type of the districts map is discrete, the display type is grid, and the display form is 2D (Figure 1-2).


Could you calculate a slope map from the Districts map?  Technically yes.  Slope could be calculated because the grid cells house numerical values.  However, the slope would not mean anything mathematically.  The map only contains nominal values linked to district boundaries.  Actual physical characteristics of this area cannot be determined from this map alone.    


What, if any, would be the interpretation of its slope values?  Any slope values generated for this map would be senseless combinations of categorical values and could not support any useful interpretation. …0% slope would be district interiors; any calculated slope value would indicate a district boundary zone


…comparison of Districts and District_slope maps show a strong relationship between district boundaries and non-zero slope values—


…discussion discussion throughout; excellent presentation throughout



Part 2.  Characterizing Geographic Space …Discrete versus Continuous


Access the MapCalc system using the Tutor25.rgs database and display a 2-D lattice contour plot of the Elevation map. 


  MapCalc Tools


Click on the Layer Mesh icon (a) to superimpose the 25x25 analysis grid.

Click on the Toggle 3-D View icon (b) to get a lattice (wireframe) plot of the map surface.

Click on the Shading Manager icon (c) to pop-up the thematic mapping window.


  Shading Manager

Note that the current settings for “Calculation Mode for Ranges is Equal Ranges” and the “Number of Ranges is 10


Assign the Calculation tab settings to Mode= Equal Ranges and Ranges= 7.  Note the changes in pattern of the colored zones, then press OK. 


Click on the Rotate icon (d) then click and drag the plot to rotate the display.

Click on the Zoom In/Out buttons (e) to rescale the plot.

Click on the Reset View to Defaults icon (f) to return the plot to its standard form.

Click on the Use Cells icon (g) to view the surface as an extruded plot.


Change the calculation tab settings to Mode= Equal Count and Ranges= 7.  Note the changes in pattern of the colored zones, then press OK. 


Change the calculation tab settings to Mode= +/- 1 Standard Deviation and Ranges= 7.  Note the changes in pattern of the colored zones, then press OK. 


Change the calculation tab settings to Mode= User Defined and Ranges= 7.  Under the Min [>=] column in the Shading Manager table enter the following values from the bottom to the top— 500, 800, 1100, 1400, 1700, 2000 and 2300.  Under the Max [<] column enter 2600 at the top.  Note the changes in pattern of the colored zones, then press OK. 



Question 3.  Prepare a brief write-up (including screen grabs you deem important to your discussion) of the “Thematic Mapping” processing you just completed.  Include discussion of the Data Ranges and Cell Membership as reported in the Shading Manager table for each of the four categorizations (Equal Ranges, Equal Count,+/- 1 Standard Deviation and User Defined). 


The ‘Thematic Mapping’ modes (Equal Range, Equal Count and +/- Standard Deviation) described here display the elevation dataset based on number of cells and the elevation values within the cells.  The images below show that different display choices alter the appearance of the data, even though map values are unchanged. 


The Equal Range Calculation Mode maintains an equal interval of values in each of its classes.  For example, when set to 7 ranges, each elevation class spans 290 feet (Figure 2-1). 


Figure 2-1. 3D Lattice Display of Elevation classified using Equal Range Calculation Mode.



The Equal Count Calculation Mode attempts to maintain a uniform number of grid cells in each of its classes.  Using the above example, when set to 7 ranges, the elevation classes each have roughly 90 cells (Figure 2-2). 


Figure 2-2. 3D Lattice Display of Elevation classified using Equal Count Calculation Mode.



The +/- Standard Deviation Calculation Mode defines classes according to the spread of the data along a standard normal curve …well stated.  The first and last classes represent the data values in the tails of the curve ...“unusually” low and high values, respectively.  The rest of the data is dispersed among the remainder of classes within the set standard deviation values (Figure 2-3).  …the data is divided into equal ranges within + and – 1 SD (about 66% of the data provided it is normally distributed) and the upper and lower tails of the normal distribution (about 100-66= 34= 17% of the data)    


Figure 2-3. 3D Lattice Display of Elevation classified using +/- Standard Deviation Calculation Mode.



Lastly, the User Defined Calculation Mode allows the user to control the number of classes…so do the other techniques, as well as the minimum and maximum values of each class range (Figure 2-4).


Figure 2-4. 3D Lattice Display of Elevation classified using User Defined Calculation Mode.



Which of the four different thematic displays do you think “best represents” the map surface?  Explain your reasoning. 


The Equal Range Calculation Mode display seems most appropriate for this elevation dataset.  The end-user is typically interested in seeing the variation in elevation of the surface and how other factors relate to it (e.g. at what elevation is this communication tower?).  The end-user is not interested in seeing the frequency of cells values over the landscape (Equal Count) or the outlier data values (+/- Standard Deviation).  Equal Range is the most familiar and functional way to display elevation to general users (Figure 2-1).

…very good discussion and presentation throughout




Question 4.  Repeat the process for your favorite method (Equal ranges, Equal Count or +/- 1 Standard Deviation) using Ranges= 5 for the number of intervals.  Insert screen captures below as side-by-side displays for both the Ranges= 7 map (from above question) and the Ranges= 5 map you just generated.


Figure 4-1. Equal Range Calculation Mode with 5 Ranges

Figure 4-2. Equal Range Calculation Mode with 7 Ranges


Describe the differences in the two plots and discuss their impacts on the thematic display of the continuous surface data.


The Equal Range display with 5 ranges (Figure 4-1) has a lower thematic resolution (fewer categories) than the Equal Range display with 7 ranges (Figure 4-2).  The higher thematic resolution of Figure 4-2 provides more information about the elevation surface.  For example, the user is able to see the pocket of surface below 790 feet in the low corner of the display.  This feature is indistinguishable in the lower thematic resolution display (Figure 4-1).

…good discussion and presentation




Part 3.  GIS Modeling… Simple Erosion Model


  Access the MapCalc system using the Tutor25.rgs database and on the Main Toolbar, click on the Grid Analysis icon, and use the map analysis tools to complete the following series of commands.


Click on the Slope icon (under the Neighbors button) and specify…


Map Analysisà Neighbors à Slope


  SLOPE Elevation Fitted FOR Slopemap


Note that the slope values form a gradient from 0% (flat) to 65% (steep) that is automatically “categorized” into seven intervals with colors “ramped” from Red to Yellow to Green.


Note that the default map display for the Slope command is continuous data type.


Click on the Renumber icon (under the Reclassify button) and specify…


Map Analysisà Reclassify à Renumber




…by individually entering the “assigning” phrases (ASSIGNING <New Value> TO <Old value> THRU <Old UpperValue>) and pressing the “Add” button after each phrase is complete to add it to the list.


Note that the default map display for the Renumber command is discrete data type.


      In displaying maps, be sure to set the most appropriate 2D or 3D display form, Grid or Lattice display type and Discrete or Continuous data type for a proper display of the data (not always the default display).


Click on the Drain icon (under the Distance button) and specify…


Map Analysisà Distance à Drain


  DRAIN Entire OVER Elevation FOR Flowmap


Note that the default map display for the Drain command is continuous data type.


Click on the Renumber icon (under the Reclassify button) and specify…


Map Analysisà Reclassify à Renumber


  RENUMBER Flowmap ASSIGNING 10 TO 1 THRU 10 ASSIGNING 20 TO 10 THRU 20  ASSIGNING 30 TO 20 THRU 1000  FOR Flow_classes


Click on the Compute icon (under the Overlay button) and specify…


Map Analysisà Overlay à Compute


  COMPUTE Flow_classes Plus Slope_classes FOR Erosion_codes


Note that the default map display for the Compute command is continuous data type.


Remember to switch to a “2D grid” display of the “discrete” data type for a proper display of categorical data (2-digit code).


The following flowchart outlines the steps you just completed…




Question 5.  Create a “narrative flowchart” with embedded maps displays that describes the five processing steps of the erosion model.  For example, the first step description would include at a minimum—


Example answer for Step 1…


Step 1 Derive a map of Terrain Steepness (Slopemap) using the command—


Slope Elevation for Slopemap


Note: Be sure you embed screen captures of the input map(s) (Elevation in this case) and output map (Slopemap) and include “Figure Title and Caption” with the all embedded screen grabs, such as…


Figure 5-1. 2D Grid Display of the Elevation Map (input).

Figure 5-2. 2D Lattice Display of the Slopemap (output).


Note: Be sure your answer includes a short discussion of what is happening in the processing step.  Be sure to reference the embedded figures and identify the display and data types of the maps, such as…


Figure 5-1 is a 2D grid display of the Elevation data (Base Map; figure 5-1) containing ratio data from 500 to 2500 feet.  The terrain data is analyzed using the Slope command to create a Slopemap (Derived Map; figure 5-2) containing ratio data from 0% slope (flat) to 65% (steep).  Note that the steepest terrain is located in the north-central portion of the project area (green tones). 


Slope values for each cell are calculated using the eight neighbor cells, that is, a 3x3 window is used for each calculation.  The value is applied as a percent, to the centroid of the center cell.  The default procedure aligns a best-fitted plane to the values in the window, and assigns the slope of the plane to the center cell.  The window then shifts over one cell and the process repeats.  Other options use the maximum, minimum or average of the eight individual slopes in the slope window. 



Now on your own, repeat the descriptions for the other four Steps of the simple erosion model.


Step 2 Derive a map of drainage (FlowMap) using the command – Drain Over Elevation for FlowMap


Figure 5-3.  3D Lattice Display of the SlopeMap draped over the Elevation Map (input).

Figure 5-4.  2D Grid Display of Slope_classes (output).


Figure 5-3 shows the 3D Lattice Display of the SlopeMap draped over the Elevation Map.  Slope is mathematically derived from elevation.  Therefore, it makes visual sense to drape the derived quantity over the original surface.  In this display mode, highest slope values are seen in steep areas of the elevation map rather than as the sharp peaks and valleys that would result in a map of slope alone.


The continuous ratio SlopeMap was renumbered into discrete ordinal data categories that generalize the amount of steepness (Figure 5-4). This was done by a simple renumbering operation that assigns a new value to all original values within a user specified range. 


In this step, a value of one was assigned to areas of slope value between 0% and 10% slope.  A value of two corresponds to areas between 10% and 20% slope and a value of three refers to areas that had values greater than 20% slope. 

…blank line as new idea

The operation script was RENUMBER SlopeMap ASSIGNING 1 TO 0 THRU 10  ASSIGNING 2 TO 10 THRU 30  ASSIGNING 3 TO 30 THRU 1000  FOR Slope_Classes.


A quick check verifies that blue areas (value 3; steep terrain) correspond to green areas (steep slopes) in SlopeMap and likewise with the other classes. 



Step 3 Derive a map of drainage (FlowMap) using the command – Drain Over Elevation for FlowMap.

…blank line to separate

…good display


…an alternative display choice that dramatically shows the information in the DRAIN surface

Figure 5-5.  3D Lattice Display of the Elevation Map (input).

Figure 5-6.  3D Lattice Display of the Flowmap draped over the Elevation Map (output).


The base map for this operation is the Elevation Map shown above in 3D lattice display (Figure 5-5).  The elevation map was processed using the DRAIN operation to produce the output Flowmap, shown in 3D lattice display over the Elevation Map (Figure 5-6). 

…blank line for new paragraph as new thought is introduced

As in Step 2, the Flowmap data is visually pleasing when displayed graphically draped over elevation.  High flow values make sense when seen in low elevation areas.  Likewise, low flow values make most sense on peaks and ridges.  Displaying the data in this way makes the information in Flowmap more explicit and meaningful.


The elevation map contains continuous interval data ranging from 500 to 2500 ft.  The output Flowmap contains ordinal data ranging from 1 to 200.  The DRAIN operation calculates the steepest downhill path from a starting location.  When a path crosses a cell, the cell value is increased by one.  This is analogous to a tally system the keeps track of which cells are visited most often by the operation.  The data values in the output map will be whole number because fractional “visits” are not possible.


In this calculation each cell location in the project area was used as a starting location because the parameter ENTIRE was selected.  The minimum cell value is one because each cell gets a tally when it is visited by the operation as the starting location.  The cells with the most path drainage are cells shown in green in Figure 5-6. 

…blank line as new idea

The operation script was DRAIN Entire OVER Elevation Simply Steepest FOR Flowmap.



Step 4 Derive a map of flow classes (Flow_classes) using the command – Renumber FlowMap.   

Figure 5-7.  3D Lattice Display of the Flowmap draped over the Elevation Map (input).

Figure 5-8.  2D Grid display of the Flow_classes Map (output).


Flowmap is an ordinal dataset with values ranging from 1 to 200 and is displayed in 3D lattice over Elevation (Figure 5-7).  The logic for this display type is discussed in Step 3. The output map for this step, Flow_classes, contains discrete ordinal data and is displayed in 2D grid format (Figure 5-8). 


This map was renumbered by assigning 10 to low flow values, 20 to moderate flow values, and 30 to the highest flow values.  The RENUMBER operation assigns new values to old values within a user specified interval. 

…blank line as new idea

The operation script was RENUMBER Flowmap ASSIGNING 10 TO 1 THRU 10  ASSIGNING 20 TO 10 THRU 20  ASSIGNING 30 TO 20 THRU 1000  FOR Flow_classes.  


Multiples of ten were chosen for these values to facilitate a simple erosion code created in the next step. 




Step 5 Combine slope classes and flow classes for a map of erosion codes using the command - COMPUTE Flow_classes Plus Slope_Classes FOR Erosion_codes

…blank line needed separate  

Figure 5-9.  2D Grid Display of the Slope_classes Map (input).

Figure 5-10.  2D Grid Display of the Flow_classes Map (input).

Figure 5-11. 2D Grid Display of the Erosion_classes Map (output).


In this step, two maps are combined to yield a map of erosion potential.  The assumption is that both steepness of slope and amount of flow through an area contribute equally to erosion potential.  Thus, areas of steep slope and high flow have the highest erosion potential.  If expert opinion advised that flow and slope contribute disproportionately to erosion potential, the input maps would need to be weighted appropriately.  In this case, each input map has a weight of 1.


To determine the combined effect of flow and slope for the gridded area, the Flow_class map (Figure 5-9) was added to the Slope_class map (Figure 5-10) which produced the Erosion_codes map (Figure 5-11).  Both input maps and the output map contain discrete ordinal data types in their grid cells.  Because of the carefully selected values in the previous renumbering operations, the cell values in the erosion map are 2-digit codes that have meaning …”tens” digit identifies the flow class; “ones” digit indicates the steepness class.  For example, a cell value of 31 is code for steep slope and low flow. 


The erosion codes map is rather cluttered with all nine classes displayed separately.  A planning agency will probably not deal with individual slope-flow combinations separately.  Instead, it will be useful to separate the areas with highest erosion potential from the rest of the gridded area …good point.  To do this, expert opinion is needed to decide which slope-flow classes should be included in the high erosion potential category.  Question 6 below illustrates one possible scenario of the classes to include in high erosion potential.


48.0/50= 96%, A …super job.  Your responses are clear and concise throughout. 


Question 6.  Considering the combined categories of “Heavy_flow and Steep_terrain”, “Heavy_flow and Moderate_terrain” and “Moderate_flow and Steep_terrain on the Erosion_Classes you just created, use the Shading Manager to graphically identify these areas of significant erosion potential as Red and all other locations of lesser erosion potential as Light Gray.  Embed a screen grab of your map below.


Figure 6-1. Graphic display of three highest erosion potential classes.  Re-coloration was done without changing the values in the grid cells …you got it.


How many acres and proportion of the total study area falls under the significant erosion potential class (color= red)?


The number of acres with high erosion potential (shaded in red in Figure 6-1) is 192.642 acres which is 12.48% of the gridded area or 78 cells.


Use the sequence Map Analysisà Reclassifyà Renumber to generate a map called High_erosion that isolates the areas of significant erosion potential with the new value of 1 assigned to areas with significant erosion potential  (as noted above) and new value of 0 assigned to all other areas.  Embed a screen grab of your map below.


Figure 6-2. Graphic display of three highest erosion potential classes.  The values in the grid cells were renumbered into a binary format where high erosion potential is represented by 1 (red) and all other classes are represented by 0 (gray).



How many acres and proportion of the total study area falls under the significant erosion potential class (value= 1)?  Where do they mostly occur?


The significant erosion potential class (shaded in red in Figure 6-2) contains 78 cells which is 12.48% of the gridded area and represents 192.642 acres on the ground.  Most of the erosion potential occurs in the center of the upper half of the map.  This area corresponds to high values in the SlopeMap and in the Flowmap.  There are also cells along the perimeter of the map that correspond to areas of high flow accumulation values.




Describe the “significant difference” between the Graphic (Shading Manager) and Numeric (Renumber) versions of the areas of high erosion potential. 


The significant difference is in the values stored in the map grid.  Graphically, the displays are is the same.  But the binary map (Figure 6-2) can be used for mathematical and statistical operations, while the ordinal map (Figure 6-1) is just a key of erosion potential codes.




Note: Submit Optional question answers as separate Word document files with the Question number and your name (e.g., Optional_2-1_yourName.doc)…do not include them with the normal weekly lab reports.


Optional Question 2-1 (extra credit= 3 points possible; complete individually and submit your answer as a separate email).  Based on class discussion and your experience viewing the data structures/formats for MapCalc, Surfer and ESRI Grid describe the similarities/differences and advantages/disadvantages among the three approaches to storing grid-based mapped data.   Use the Slope map in the Tutor25.rgs database (MapCalc_Tutor25_rgs.txt, SLOPE_Tutor25_Surfer_grd.txt and SLOPE_Tutor25_Esri_asc.txt in the …\MapCalc Data\Misc folder) for illustration and discussion similar to the slide set presentation used in class to describe the data structure/format of the Elevation map.


Insert your discussion with figures then email as separate file…




Optional Question 2-2 (extra credit= 3 points possible; complete individually and submit your answer as a separate email).  Based on the class discussion and assigned, optional and other readings you may find, write a short essay (less than 750 words) discussing the differences in assumptions, approaches, and applications in Computer Mapping, Spatial Database Management and GIS Analysis/Modeling systems.  Assume you have been asked to write the essay for a magazine like National Geographic with readers who have an interest and good but basic understanding of science.  Your charge is to communicate the breadth of modern map analysis. 


Insert your short essay





Optional Question 2-3 (extra credit= 3 points possible; complete individually and submit your answer as a separate email).  On your own, develop and implement an additional new criterion to the Campground Suitability model you completed in Exercise #1 that recognizes most campers want to be “within and near forested areas.” 


Hint: the solution requires manually entering a series of commands similar to the criterion to be “close to roads,” however in this case using the Forests map (base map), proximity to forests (Derived map) to create a calibrated map (Interpreted map) such that 0 to 2 cells away is Most Preferred (rating= 9) and a preference gradient of your choice to 6 to 100 cells away as Least Preferred (rating= 1).  Don’t forget to modify the Analyze command that computes the average rating for all criteria (now six individual rating maps), as well as “masking” for the constraints and user the same legend (Shading Manager settings) as before for the final map.


Insert the additional commands you used (e.g., SPREAD Forests NULLVALUE PMAP_NULL TO 100 Simply FOR Proximity_forests)



Screen grab and then paste the display of your final “masked” map (Potential_masked2) below


Insert figure



Discuss the procedure you developed for favoring the location of the campground within or near forested areas.  Be sure your answer 1) identifies the input map(s), processing operation and output map for each step, and 2) describes the interplay of the input and output map values at each step.


Insert your answer





Optional Question 2-4 (extra credit= 3 points possible; complete individually and submit your answer as a separate email).  Note: this optional exercise should only be undertaken by students with considerable previous experience with ArcGIS.  Use the MapCalc cross-reference to Esri Grid commands available on the companion CD…



…and the ArcGIS Help (Spatial Analyst) in the GIS lab to complete the translation table below for the basic Campground Suitability Model you completed in Exercise #1.  Be sure your answer addresses any disparities in the commands.







Processing Achieved

…what information is derived

Esri Grid


SLOPE Elevation…

Creates a map of terrain steepness expressed in percent inclination; input is a base map of Elevation; Esri SLOPE provides an option for output values to be in degrees as well as percent











ORIENT Elevation…



RENUMBER Slopemap…



RENUMBER Proximity_roads…



RENUMBER Proximity_water…



RENUMBER Exposure_water…



RENUMBER Aspectmap…




Calculates a weighted average of a “stack” of map layers; input is the set of derived campground preference layers calibrated from 1= least preferred through 9= most preferred; Esri WEIGHTED OVERLAY requires building a separate weighted overlay table 


RENUMBER Proximity_water…



RENUMBER Slopemap…



COMPUTE N0_slope…



COMPUTE Constraints…